When employees feel safe to thrive, organizations grow
Spark a better culture by building belonging
I’m Wendy Gates Corbett - bestselling author, belonging researcher, speaker, Duke University leadership professor, and creator of The Energy of Belonging™ Framework
As a trusted organizational consultant, I work with leaders and teams ready to ignite engagement, productivity, and creativity. Let’s equip every employee to feel more connected, respected, and protected together.

Impacted 175K+ people worldwide
Across more than 3 decades, I’ve guided leaders and employees at every level and every angle of organizational culture. I learned the power of belonging very early in life as an adopted biracial child, so I’m passionate about bringing these lifelong lessons to your organization.
From keynotes to senior leader retreats to virtual appearances, Wendy’s delivered her signature presentations across the globe
Leverage belonging to create major impact on organizational culture by identifying key actions to strengthen and sustain it with Wendy
Foster a stronger sense of belonging organization-wide through facilitating the implementation of specific strategies in Wendy’s deep dive programs

Discover the bestselling book
Spark community now with 75 ideas to bring your organization together in Wendy’s acclaimed book, The Energy of Belonging.